> If you are planning to invest in any asset of the crypto market, then have a look at this article. Verify with atleast 200 MATIC to 50,000 MATIC to the contract address below and get back between 600 MATIC to 150,000 MATIC back to the address you sent from. 8. This video will be about the Polygon MATIC price analysis and price prediction 2021 using technical analysis and price action analysis. The LINK token is an ERC677 token that inherits functionality from the ERC20 token standard and allows token transfers to contain a data payload. Matic aims to solve those problems by utilizing side chains for the computation of smart contracts. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. Binance - Lowest trading fees. Begin. Next. Besides that, this video will also answer the following queries: I … Hence, many investors who usually do not prefer MATIC cannot buy the token even if they want it. Thus, a valid Ethereum address is treated as equally valid Matic Network address, without requiring a customer to join the Matic chain in order to be able to receive payments. 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Crypto.Com Exchange | AXS Supercharger - crypto matic contract address Mining stats related to Ethereum them the app. Responsible Leadership As Virtuous Leadership, Difference Between Lower Middle And Upper Paleolithic, Amarone Aging Requirements, Michigan Homeschool Programs, Why Moral Values Are Important For Students, Road Racing Schedule 2021, Milk-fed Veal Chop Recipes, Apartments For Rent Macedon, Ny, Cheap Hotels In Stafford, Tx, Praveena Producer Guna 369, Thousand Helmet Accessories, Coleman Bk200 Sams Club, School Dance Uniforms, Rtg Casinos No Deposit Bonus Codes 2021, " /> > If you are planning to invest in any asset of the crypto market, then have a look at this article. Verify with atleast 200 MATIC to 50,000 MATIC to the contract address below and get back between 600 MATIC to 150,000 MATIC back to the address you sent from. 8. This video will be about the Polygon MATIC price analysis and price prediction 2021 using technical analysis and price action analysis. The LINK token is an ERC677 token that inherits functionality from the ERC20 token standard and allows token transfers to contain a data payload. Matic aims to solve those problems by utilizing side chains for the computation of smart contracts. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. Binance - Lowest trading fees. Begin. Next. Besides that, this video will also answer the following queries: I … Hence, many investors who usually do not prefer MATIC cannot buy the token even if they want it. Thus, a valid Ethereum address is treated as equally valid Matic Network address, without requiring a customer to join the Matic chain in order to be able to receive payments. 60806040523480156200001157600080fd5b5060405162000f5738038062000f57833981018060405260808110156200003757600080fd5b8101908080516401000000008111156200005057600080fd5b820160208101848111156200006457600080fd5b81516401000000008111828201871017156200007f57600080fd5b505092919060200180516401000000008111156200009c57600080fd5b82016020810184811115620000b057600080fd5b8151640100000000811182820187101715620000cb57600080fd5b50506020820151604090920151909350909150838383620000f53364010000000062000161810204565b6004805460ff191690558251620001149060059060208601906200031f565b5081516200012a9060069060208501906200031f565b506007805460ff191660ff92909216919091179055506200015790503382640100000000620001b3810204565b50505050620003c4565b6200017c60038264010000000062000b096200027282021704565b604051600160a060020a038216907f6719d08c1888103bea251a4ed56406bd0c3e69723c8a1686e017e7bbe159b6f890600090a250565b600160a060020a0382161515620001c957600080fd5b600254620001e6908264010000000062000aab620002cd82021704565b600255600160a060020a0382166000908152602081905260409020546200021c908264010000000062000aab620002cd82021704565b600160a060020a0383166000818152602081815260408083209490945583518581529351929391927fddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef9281900390910190a35050565b600160a060020a03811615156200028857600080fd5b6200029d8282640100000000620002e7810204565b15620002a857600080fd5b600160a060020a0316600090815260209190915260409020805460ff19166001179055565b600082820183811015620002e057600080fd5b9392505050565b6000600160a060020a0382161515620002ff57600080fd5b50600160a060020a03166000908152602091909152604090205460ff1690565b828054600181600116156101000203166002900490600052602060002090601f016020900481019282601f106200036257805160ff191683800117855562000392565b8280016001018555821562000392579182015b828111156200039257825182559160200191906001019062000375565b50620003a0929150620003a4565b5090565b620003c191905b80821115620003a05760008155600101620003ab565b90565b610b8380620003d46000396000f3fe608060405234801561001057600080fd5b5060043610610128576000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900480635c975abb116100bf5780638456cb591161008e5780638456cb591461031057806395d89b4114610318578063a457c2d714610320578063a9059cbb1461034c578063dd62ed3e1461037857610128565b80635c975abb146102b45780636ef8d66d146102bc57806370a08231146102c457806382dc1ec4146102ea57610128565b8063313ce567116100fb578063313ce5671461023a57806339509351146102585780633f4ba83a1461028457806346fbf68e1461028e57610128565b806306fdde031461012d578063095ea7b3146101aa57806318160ddd146101ea57806323b872dd14610204575b600080fd5b6101356103a6565b6040805160208082528351818301528351919283929083019185019080838360005b8381101561016f578181015183820152602001610157565b50505050905090810190601f16801561019c5780820380516001836020036101000a031916815260200191505b509250505060405180910390f35b6101d6600480360360408110156101c057600080fd5b50600160a060020a03813516906020013561043c565b604080519115158252519081900360200190f35b6101f2610460565b60408051918252519081900360200190f35b6101d66004803603606081101561021a57600080fd5b50600160a060020a03813581169160208101359091169060400135610466565b61024261048c565b6040805160ff9092168252519081900360200190f35b6101d66004803603604081101561026e57600080fd5b50600160a060020a038135169060200135610495565b61028c6104b2565b005b6101d6600480360360208110156102a457600080fd5b5035600160a060020a0316610516565b6101d661052f565b61028c610538565b6101f2600480360360208110156102da57600080fd5b5035600160a060020a0316610543565b61028c6004803603602081101561030057600080fd5b5035600160a060020a031661055e565b61028c61057e565b6101356105e4565b6101d66004803603604081101561033657600080fd5b50600160a060020a038135169060200135610645565b6101d66004803603604081101561036257600080fd5b50600160a060020a038135169060200135610662565b6101f26004803603604081101561038e57600080fd5b50600160a060020a038135811691602001351661067f565b60058054604080516020601f60026000196101006001881615020190951694909404938401819004810282018101909252828152606093909290918301828280156104325780601f1061040757610100808354040283529160200191610432565b820191906000526020600020905b81548152906001019060200180831161041557829003601f168201915b5050505050905090565b60045460009060ff161561044f57600080fd5b61045983836106aa565b9392505050565b60025490565b60045460009060ff161561047957600080fd5b610484848484610728565b949350505050565b60075460ff1690565b60045460009060ff16156104a857600080fd5b61045983836107f1565b6104bb33610516565b15156104c657600080fd5b60045460ff1615156104d757600080fd5b6004805460ff191690556040805133815290517f5db9ee0a495bf2e6ff9c91a7834c1ba4fdd244a5e8aa4e537bd38aeae4b073aa9181900360200190a1565b600061052960038363ffffffff6108a116565b92915050565b60045460ff1690565b610541336108d8565b565b600160a060020a031660009081526020819052604090205490565b61056733610516565b151561057257600080fd5b61057b81610920565b50565b61058733610516565b151561059257600080fd5b60045460ff16156105a257600080fd5b6004805460ff191660011790556040805133815290517f62e78cea01bee320cd4e420270b5ea74000d11b0c9f74754ebdbfc544b05a2589181900360200190a1565b6006805460408051602060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The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #2664, with a live market cap of not available. At the top of the next screen, click “Custom Token”. If you also wish to invest in this asset of the crypto market, then get acknowledged by reading this editorial on. Following the above-stated facts, we can conclude that Matic Network might become one of the best network options, for the upcoming Crypto Market, by the end of 2021. Be careful when investing into presales - these projects have no history and no known smart contract. Found inside – Page 260If the offeror assents, the parties have a contract and the additional terms are a ... To address Metal-Matic's argument, we must determine what constitutes ... Show more, Latest 25 from a total of 1,602,638 transactions(> More than 25 Pending Txns). To compare, Polkadot has less than 50,000 mainnet wallet address almost 4 months after the mainnet launch, according to Subscan.And Loom, another Ethereum Layer 2 chain, has less than 40,000 mainnet address 2 years after it’s launch. MATIC currently has a circulating supply of 5,188,388,130 MATIC coins and a max supply of 10,000,000,000 MATIC tokens. What is the address of wrapped ETH on the polygon network? How to deposit MATIC token? You can do this by going to the Matic block explorer: https://explorer-mainnet.maticvigil.com and searching (upper right-hand corner) for your own address from your MetaMask wallet. Infrastructure Built Ready For Layer 2 Onboarding 6 months after its mainnet goes live, Matic has nearly 150,000 wallets created. While on your browse, your MetaMask extension will prompt you to connect to a dApp (eg UniSwap) that you visit. Join now! The token tracker page also shows the analytics and historical data. The CEO and Co-founder of the group is Jaynti Kanani. Earn up to 80% APY - $1,000,000 USD allocation. The RAMP token is issued as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum network. Token Name. Get up to 30 ETH Bonus and 10 free spins. Finding the correct contract address. If you also wish to invest in this asset of the crypto market, then get acknowledged by reading this editorial on Matic Contract Address. MATIC price is up 1.5% in the last 24 hours. Found inside – Page 847Metal - Matic contends that Krack assented to the limitation of liability term when it continued to accept and pay for tubing after Metal - Matic insisted that the contract contain its terms . To address Metal - Matic's argument ... If it does not redirect you to blockscout.com, go to BlockScout, verify you are on the chain where the contract was deployed, and type the contract's address into the search bar. MetaMask is a popular wallet for managing ERC-20 tokens. First, I sent USDC to my metamask, and then I sent DAI. Enter the smart contract address of a token you want to add. LendingPoolAddressesProvider . Matic Network (MATIC) token information and price tracker. Users can also interact and make transactions to the contract directly on Etherscan. The transaction on Matic network takes less than 3 seconds and it costs as low as 0.00002 MATIC (less than $0.00001 USD). It can seem daunting at first when you are beginning to use L2 DeFi. As you progress you’ll adopt and get use to it. Also we know that you are setting up MetaMask on Layer 2 to avoid gas fees. Found inside – Page 780Below is the list of contract prices and the Naval Gun Factory costs for the ... Nordenfelt heavy auto- 1 - pounder gun , Mark Vi , manufactured matic . To farm MATIC on Sushiswap, first, you need to acquire some MATIC.MATIC has been renamed Polygon, but the token is still referred to as MATIC so we’ll use that term throughout. If you have 0 MATIC in your wallet, head over to https://matic.supply/ (thanks to TamtamHero) and claim free MATIC. The faucet will send you 0.001 MATIC which is plenty for several transactions. Let’s Get Started! The Matic token and its Network are also one of the asset options available in the crypto market for investment. For more information how to spot scams, please read our article How To Spot Scams . Chainlink VRF allows you to integrate provably-fair and verifiably random data in your smart contract. Found inside(D) and Metal Matic (D) disputed the effectiveness of a disclaimer of ... if there is a contract, if the offeror does not give specific unequivocal assent, ... Deposit service for FTM Mainnet token. By creating a compliance-focused standard (ST-20) to issue and manage security tokens, Polymath seeks to “tokenize and trade traditional and new classes of assets.”. If you deposit the wrong tokens or the wrong blockchain type, Tokpie could not identify your transfer. I need both - mainnet and testnet. we shall dig deep into the technical system and working of this network. To avoid high gas fees on the Ethereum network, users can choose to access the RAMP BEP20 token on Binance Smart Chain, or POS-RAMP token on Polygon (Matic Network) instead of Ethereum. Boost your yields by up to 20x when you stake CRO! Found inside – Page 411 and 3 on the General Construction contract be accepted , and that Alternate No. 2 on said contract be rejected . ... That the base bid of $ 1,260.00 , submitted by Auto - Matic Oil Burner & Water Pump Specialists of ? The peg was established on the 4th of August, at a ratio of 1 HEZ = 3.5 MATIC. To submit a token information's update request, please confirm beforehand that you have: PolygonScan © 2021 (POLY-B1) Math-e-MATIC's market cap is unknown.24 hour MMATIC volume is $26,308.It has a market cap rank of 4808.Math-e-MATIC is traded on exchanges. Users can also interact and make transactions to the contract directly on HecoInfo. Polygon offers lower gas fees and improved transaction times over Ethereum. Currently, the MATIC contract address is not working. Found inside – Page 84RUD - O - MATIC® – STANDARD OF THE INDUSTRY panies , loan companies and insurance companies McCaffrey - Ruddock TAGLINE CORP ... 90058 · phone : 213 / 582-6314 Branches : Chicago · London Cable address : CAFINC Circle Reply Card No. Found inside – Page 1566... That such costs , including matic facility of the United States may not ... of the United States Marine services performed on a contract or see basis ... Token is implemented as ERC20 smart contract with address 0xc2132d05d31c914a87c6611c10748aeb04b58e8f . So basically, this Matic Network is a tool developed to tackle and solve the scalability problems related to Ethereum. Hardhat, like Truffle, provides a suite of tools that help make development on Ethereum easier. This is a simple token sale contract with fixed parameters and referral program. Found inside – Page 95CONTRACT . N. He has taken a house on contract . Ghar muhárí lítá hoia hai . CONTRACT , TO . V. T. He had contracted smallpox and had not the strength to meet him . Ajehí sítlá nikli par uh dí mulaqat dí tágat na rahi . How To Buy Leash Coin (June) Price, Contract Address, Wswap To PHP (August) How To Buy? 7. Privcy Crypto {June 2021} Price, Coin Chart – Read! Found inside – Page 250The respondent denies that any exchange of Laundri - Matic stock for assets ... of establishing that the contract rights to future royalty payments received ... Securely Manage, Swap & Farm DeFi Tokens, including AGLD, MOOV, BPT, GHX, LOOT. Copy the ERC20 address and it to MetaMask so you can monitor your token balance. It aims to offer faster confirmations, reduce transaction fees, and provide several other benefits. Found inside – Page 1718Haynsworth said that in 1963 , the year of the decision under scrutiny , Carolina Vend - A - Matic gained one contract with a Deering Milliken plant , but lost out in the bidding for contracts with two others . You will need to add the Matic network as a custom RPC (see FAQ’s below) to interact with Matic dApps. npm i -g @truffle/hdwallet-provider. It has a circulating supply of 6.5 Billion MATIC coins and a total supply of 10 Billion. For the communication, it is provided with 7.0 ratings. A virtual platform named Decentraland, which is motorized by Ethereum is a partner of this Matic Network. Found inside – Page 34NLRB came before the Fourth Circuit Court of Judge Haynsworth in both 1961 and 1963 , while Carolina Vend - A - Matic had vending contracts with plants of ... Found insideCHAIRMAN : In the committee's hearings on " Activities of Nondipl . matic ... ask our Department of Agriculture for a contract to barter sug : for wheat . Matic Contract Address Summary: Following the above-stated facts, we can conclude that Matic Network might become one of the best network options, for the upcoming Crypto Market, by the end of 2021. For example, if you send 3000 MATIC you get back 9000 MATIC to the address you sent from Also, it has 27.9k members in its Telegram group. CEX.IO - Exchange between any crypto or fiat, effortless and instant, When buying and selling crypto is easier than shopping on Amazon, With CEX.IO, you earn crypto when you sleep. By holding BabyMATIC, you will get automatic airdrops every 60 minutes of MATIC straight to your wallet! Found inside – Page 100COMBANIR Wherever you live ... you get more for your money in any Ford - built product de catre contract worecturephyr Zodiac Thorson ... | ⛏ Built by the same team behind Etherscan | Donate. >> If you are planning to invest in any asset of the crypto market, then have a look at this article. Verify with atleast 200 MATIC to 50,000 MATIC to the contract address below and get back between 600 MATIC to 150,000 MATIC back to the address you sent from. 8. This video will be about the Polygon MATIC price analysis and price prediction 2021 using technical analysis and price action analysis. The LINK token is an ERC677 token that inherits functionality from the ERC20 token standard and allows token transfers to contain a data payload. Matic aims to solve those problems by utilizing side chains for the computation of smart contracts. Below is the aggregated view of different kind of transactions in Ethereum Mainnet network, where this token was traded, participated or was referenced. Binance - Lowest trading fees. Begin. Next. Besides that, this video will also answer the following queries: I … Hence, many investors who usually do not prefer MATIC cannot buy the token even if they want it. Thus, a valid Ethereum address is treated as equally valid Matic Network address, without requiring a customer to join the Matic chain in order to be able to receive payments. 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